Bachelor of Geography Information Science


Bachelor of Geography Information Science is directed to specialize in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Rooted in geography, GIS is able to integrate many types of geographic data or also called geospatial data.


Career Prospects

Small, Medium and Large Scale Mapping, Underground Mapping, 3D City Modeling, Bathymetric Survey, Trial Laser Scanning serta Oil, Gas, and Mining Application.

Study Program Compulsory Courses

  • Introduction To GIS Tools, Techniques, Cartography and Geovisualisation.
  • UAV Remote Sensing, Monitoring, and Mapping.
    Advanced Spatial Analysis and Programming
  • Current Applications of GIS

Study Program Elective Courses

  • Geospatial Technology Information
  • Spatial Data Mining
  • Tourism Geography
  • Regional Economic Geography
  • Project Management
  • Spatial and Spatial Planning
  • Village Planning

Total credit 144

Panduan PMB


kalender akademik

biaya kuliah

rencana pembelajaran

Kampus Yogyakarta
Jl. Magelang No.Km.8, Mlati Glondong,
Sendangadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55285

Kampus Baturaja
Jl. Jendral A. Yani No.0267 A, Tanjung Baru,
Baturaja TimurKab. Ogan Komering Ulu,
Sumatera Selatan

Kampus Jakarta
Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Sakura Lantai I
Jalan Raya Kalibata City, Kec. Pancoran
Kota Jakarta Selatan